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With over one million records sold, Grammy award winning singer Mandisa is back with a renewed passion for music, after spending much of the past few years suffering from depression. As her career rose, she quietly withdrew from the spotlight after watching her very close friend (and backup singer) Kisha lose her battle with breast cancer (leaving behind a husband and two young sons.) If it weren’t for her friends – and her faith, Mandisa says she wouldn’t be here today. After some counseling, this powerhouse artist is back & better than ever with a highly anticipated new album appropriately named, Out of the Dark. Mandisa performed “Stronger” on GMA years ago for Robin’s emotional return to the show after defying the odds and beating her health battles. Mandisa talks about how she’s been doing, this unique and uplifting album, and why she’s the voice of encouragement and truth to people facing life’s challenges all around the world